Mark Gonzalez Hitting Approach - “You Can Have Average Mechanics and If You Have A Good Approach, You Can Still Be Successful”

“You Can Have Average Mechanics and If You Have A Good Approach, You Can Still Be Successful”

Mark Gonzalez, @EastBayMark on Twitter, and inspirational parent coaching his High School Junior hitter

Here's what we talk about in this episode:

  • What do you find to be the biggest mistake, one or two mistakes on hitting that you see out there?
  • Was there an aha moment at some point where you finally said Oh, you know what, I might be over overdoing this being the helicopter parent?
  • “You can have average mechanics and if you have a good approach, you can still be successful...”
  • Is it all about hitting dingers and doubles?
  • What ever happened to playing Whiffle Ball in the street, and can kids learn anything from video games?
  • What things have you guys been doing on the recruiting side?
  • “If this college wants a certain type of hitting approach and if that's the hitting approach you really don't like well maybe that's not the school for you...”
  • Any other parting thoughts that you would give to those parents out there with freshmen, sophomores, juniors in high school, coming from a dad who's coaching their own kid?
  • Where can people find you Coach Mark and powerful BONUS tips???

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