Chaz Henry's Sport Video Analysis Software: “I don't pretend at all that I'm doing away with, or that I'm automating a real hitting coach; I see it as a second opinion...”

Here are some of the topics to be discussed:

  • What video analysis software do you use?
  • Who is Chaz Henry? What’s his background in?
  • The fascinating history of Powerchalk and machine learning...
  • Difference of amateur hitter’s up shoulders at landing versus professional hitter’s down shoulders...
  • What machine learning, aka “Artificial Intelligence” (AI), means to the future of video analysis...
  • “What I've done is I've kind of shown how the machine can grade you, can look at these frames and grade you [the swing] ...”
  • How to objectively take a swing “red” light and turn it “green” ...
  • “I don't pretend at all that I'm doing away with, or that I'm automating a real hitting coach; I see it as a second opinion...”
  • Using machine learning to recognize dysfunctional movement like immobile joint and diagnose corrective exercise, so that a hitter moves better...
  • Where can they go to find Powerchalk obviously, and then is there a place they can go to check out this new AI machine learning stuff?

Click short link for transcribed interview in pdf format:

Click short link for video of interview:


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